Monday, February 20, 2006

Evolution and Intelligent Design are not Science

I hit upon a site discussing Intelligent Design (I.D.) at and found the following:

From Oklahoma 02/10/2006:
"I don't believe anyone says you can't choose to believe in I.D., however that's not really the point. I.D. doesn't belong in the science classroom because it is quite simply inconsistent with the scientific method - it is not 'falsifyable', and therefore it is NOT 'science'. "

I replied that if that statement is true, then so is this one:
"I don't believe anyone says you can't choose to believe in Evolution, however that's not really the point. Evolution doesn't belong in the science classroom because it is quite simply inconsistent with the scientific method - it is not 'falsifyable', and therefore it is NOT 'science'. "

The problem with origins is that there must be a first. By definition, the first is unique. The scientific method requires experiments that can reproduce a desired result. A unique event can't be reproduced, and is, therefore, outside the realm of science.

Get Evolution and Intelligent Design out of the science classroom and put them in Philosophy or Religion where they belong.

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