The sermon at our church tonight was about finding God's purpose in our lives. It centered on the book of Ecclesiastes, where Solomon looked at the question in detail. He was rich, a king, and was known for his wisdom.
The first two parts to understanding what you are to do is to remember where you came from. God made you and has a purpose for your life. You are elect, i.e., the chosen one, and you have the power to do what He enables you to do, and nothing can keep you from doing it.
Well, nothing but our lack of knowing Him and His word. That was Solomon's answer: 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God, and keep His commandments. For this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good, or whether evil.
Basically, we seek first God and His kingdom, and then He adds all good things to us. So be sure you are surrounded by believers, and in a church, and get them to pray for you. And don't neglect a quiet time to read the Bible and pray.
Remember that I am praying for you, too, and I know that God will not allow you to lack any important thing. And that includes your baby, too.
I understand your frustration. My first degree in Chemistry/Geology. Then, Theology. Then Computer Science. Now, what am I doing with all that? Nothing, directly. But I don't feel those degrees are wasted. God still has something for me in the future.
Right now, I will just serve Him every day and do what I can to help people.
He keeps me alive. He keeps my cancer from growing. So I just try to live for Him.
I pray the same for you.
In His Love,